Embeddedness in a service-learning course, part II

As you may know, I have been an embedded librarian for a course this quarter:  Social and environmental sustainability in Appalachia.  We leave tomorrow morning for our service trip to Athens County in southeast Ohio. So what have I been doing with this class all quarter?  I met with each student to help them find sources for their research papers (during weeks 3-5 of the quarter).  I also had the rare opportunity to see the students' final papers, and examine their bibliographies!  Their sources were (mostly) beautiful!  The citations, on the hand...were (sometimes) not-so-beautiful.  Mental note for next year:  plan a citation workshop for the students if it fits in the schedule.  We meet once a week, so conceivably I could schedule one during class time on our day off and everyone would be available. I will also help each student find a source that relates to something they experience on our trip this week so they can incorporate it into their reflection papers.  I'll make myself available in the evenings on the trip for help, and when we return during the first week of spring quarter classes. I'll post updates and photos, I hope, from the trip as we go.  At least that's the plan.   We serve each day from 8-4, then we have dinner and a guest speaker each night.  Free time might be scarce.

CategoriesEmbedded Librarianship, SL Models